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公司名称: Kingst Commercial and Trade Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 北京  
注册资金: 少于100万 
员工数量: 少于5人 
年销售额: 少于100万 
主要产品: continuous capnography monitoring  
公司简介: Kingst Medical is the forerunner of the EtCO2 module and monitors manufacturing in Asia. It's an engineering company that focuses on creating quality products through development and *域名隐藏* d in 2001, Kingst focused on infrared gas analytics technologies and created the EtCO2 monitor. In 2008, Kingst started selling the EtCO2 module series; since then, Kingst has had innumerable deals with major medical vendors. Globally there are more than 100 thousand functioning devices (including modules) from the Kingst (data from 2019).Kingst is a certified High-tech Enterprise in China. Its EtCO2 modules and monitors are certified by C.E. and ISO-9000 standards and every product comply with RoHS. In 2020, our mainstream and sidestream EtCO2 modules are both certified by *域名隐藏* has also launched mainstream and sidestream multi-gas modules (CO2, N2O, halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane), mainstream and sidestream multi-gas monitors. 
Kingst Commercial and Trade Co.,Ltd / 北京 / 5-6 F, Building 3, No.27, Yongwang Road, Z-park Daxing Bio-medic () / 电话:+86-10-68156857  helen@ekingst.com

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